Hello, I'm

Abdul Malik Badshah

A Computer Vision (Machine Learning & Deep Learning) Engineer From South Korea

A Passionate Software Programmer and Machine learning Engineer with experience in Unity game Engine based in South Korea having a demonstrated history of working in the computer software industry.
I am experienced in

Image Processing | Computer Vision | Machine Learning | Deep Learning | Augmented Reality | Unity Game Engine | Android Development | R & D | Kinect Sensors

About Me

Know Me More


Years of



Hi, I am Abdul Malik Badshah

I am a Software Programmer and Machine learning Engineer based in South Korea with a demonstrated history of working in the software industry for the past 7 years. Skilled in Computer Vision, Machine Learning/Deep Learning, Augmented Reality, Mobile Application Development (Interactive Games specifically), and Speech Analysis.
Strong Research & Development professional with a master’s degree focused on Computer Engineering from Sejong University with a dissertation titled “A Study of Hand-Crafted and Deep Features for Speech Emotion Recognition.
I enjoy every step of Software development from brain storming the idea, designing and polishing the idea to leading it to a sucessfull deployement. I am always open to discussion and collaboration.

Email: DoB: From:
ambadshah@gmail.com 20/09/1990 South Korea

  • Computer Vision

    Skilled in utilizing OpenCV, a powerful open-source computer vision library, to design, develop, and implement a variety of computer vision applications, including object detection, image recognition, and video analysis, utilizing various techniques and algorithms

  • Game Development

    Experienced in Unity3D game engine, developed multiple interactive and engaging games and applications using OpenCv. Skilled in using Unity3D to create 2D games and 3D Augmented Reality Applicaions using Kinect Sensors with C# scripting.

  • Augmented Reality

    Proven track record of developing augmented reality applications using marker-based tracking technology. Skilled in integrating AR experiences by creating interactive and immersive experiences for various industries. Expertise in using ARKit and ARCore for marker-based AR development.


A Summary of My Resume

My Education
Aug 2017

Masters of Engineering

Computer Science | Sejong University

CGPA : 4.14 | 4.5

Digital Contents Research Institute, Sejong University, Seoul, South Korea
Dissertation title: “A Study of Hand-Crafted and Deep Features for Speech Emotion Recognition”

Major Subjects

  • Topics on Computer Graphics
  • Topics on Augmented Reality
  • Topics on Multimedia Applications
  • Advance Computer Vision

September 2013

Bachelor of Science

Computer Science | Islamia College Peshawar

CGPA : 3.90 | 4.0

Graduation Project: “2d Android Game with native language i.e. Java, with eclipse Ide”

Major Subjects

  • Programming Concepts
  • Data Structure And Algoritms
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Digital Image Processing
  • Discrete Mathemetics and Calculus

Augest 2009


Computer Science | Nisar Shaheed Degree College Risalpur Cantt

CGPA : 818 | 1100

Major Subjects

  • Introduction of Computer Science
  • Introduction of Databases
  • Introduction to Operating System

My Experience
August 2017 - PRESENT

Senior Software Programmer

Anarchy.io | 5+ years

  • Explored multiple machine learning and Deep learning approaches/models for object detection and recognition. Developed Algorithms for computer vision based applications for Mobile devices and Tabs
  • Worked on a “Miniature AR” project with ETRI to augment ski-related objects on a miniature mountain in a newly built museum in Nowon-gu
  • Worked on multiple projects focused mainly on E-Smart learning including Interactive SMART boards and pens for Educational Purposes
  • Developed Interactive Learning Applications for kids and adults in collaboration with ETRI using Augmented Reality with Kinect sensors for skeleton detection, Computer vision for scanning 2D drawings, and Unity Game Engine to transform the scanned 2D drawing into 3D interactable objects

September 2015 - August 2017

Research Assistant

Intelligent Media Lab, South Korea | 2 years

  • Used Machine learning techniques i.e., SVM-Support Vector Machines, Random Forest, and Decision trees to spot Emotions in Speeches
  • Used Deep Learning CNN (Convolutional Neural Networks) for Speech Emotion Recognition to further enhance the results
  • Tested and compared both Traditional and deep learning-based approaches for telephonic speech analysis, gender recognition, and age estimation from speech signals
  • Validated the mentioned approaches and successfully published them in a few conference proceedings and recognized scientific journals that are cited by hundreds to date

Oct 2013 - August 2015

Software Developer (Gameplay Programmer)

Pentaloop Inc, Lahore, Pakistan | 1.5 years

  • Gameplay Programming (C#): Physics, AI, Rendering, Android optimization (Draw Calls). Tools development (Editor Classes). Scene editing and level Building
  • Developed UI’s based on designer specifications
  • Constructed solutions to unforeseen design problems in a timely manner.

My Skills

Computer Vision90%
Machine Learning | Deep Learning80%
Augmented Reality (Unity3D)85%
Research & Development90%
Game Development | Educational Games90%
Emotion Recognition | NLP75%
C | C++85%



My Projects

Facto Schule, Computer Vision Games

Project Info:

The project consists of different games, each with different Physical objects and different object detection strategies. Multiple Machine learning and Computer vision based algorithms were developed to process the frames from devices cameras and process them depending on the game functionality hence providing an interactive environment for kids to play and learn. .

Project Details:
Client: T-ime Education, South Korea

Industry: Software Development

Technologies: OpenCv, C#, Unity3D, etc.

Date: 05/04/2020

Miniature AR

Project Info:

Developed an innovative augmented reality application that combines the power of OpenCV and marker-based tracking technology to overlay ski-related and snow objects on a miniature mountain. This application utilizes OpenCV's image processing capabilities to track and recognize markers placed on a miniature mountain, and then overlays 3D ski-related and snow objects on the markers in real-time.

Project Details:
Client: Korea Brass [www.korea-brass.com]

Industry: Software Development

Technologies: Unity3D, C#, Java, OpenCv etc.

Date: 06/09/2022

Paint Ar (OpenCv + Augmented Reality)

Project Info:

The kids Draw/Paint the 2d drawing on the Pages provided, These Drawings are then Scanned by a Standing Scanner, OpenCv is used to detect the type of image being scanned and crop the desired area of the image, The desired cropped image area is then converted to texture, The texture is put on an appropriate 3d models material, Finally the 3D Object is Spawn in the Scene to give an interactive feel to the painter.

Project Details:
Client: Anarchy.io and ETRI

Industry: Software Development

Technologies: OpenCv, Unity3D, C#, Kinect Sensors, etc.

Date: 04/15/2020

Research Work

Some of my Research Work

Contact Me

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